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Richard and Alice – Preview

Richard and Alice – Preview

Games journalists are a funny breed. They spend so much of their time judging and critiquing those lovely little bits of art and code, that the inevitable happens. The thought streaks across the mind, “I could do better”, and sometimes, they do. Richard & Alice is such an attempt, from the journalistic minds of Lewis Denby and Ashton Raze, and is shaping up to be something rather special.

The snow is deep in the future. Set in a world of massive climate-change, R&A is a point-and-click story of a story, told through two sets of prison bars. Ex-military man-of-decency Richard, caged for an undisclosed breach of rules, suddenly finds the opposite cell occupied for the first time in a long time by the mysterious and distant Alice. Caged for murder, what follows is a series of flashbacks into Alice’s past – surviving the eternal winter plaguing the world, the evil and desperation that has become the norm, and protecting her slightly hyperactive 5 year old son from all of the above.

Heaven Is A Highly Defined Half Pipe

Heaven Is A Highly Defined Half Pipe

Microsoft’s Summer of Arcade is nearly upon us and it looks like it’s going to be a cracker this year. What better way to kick it off than with one of my favourite ways of procrastinating and injuring myself as a child, skateboarding. Tony Hawks Pro Skater HD (or THPSHD for short) is not just a run of the mill HD port of the original game but instead is a combination of the best bits of Tony Hawks Pro Skater 1 & 2, which were originally released in 2000 on the N64 and Dreamcast among other consoles. THPSHD will be the first title in the series to be available only as a download.

THPSHD was exclusively announced in 2011 during the Spike VGA‘s. A world premier video showing Tony Hawk skating around the Woodland Hills Warehouse level from the original THPS was shown but since then precious few details have been released on what will actually be included in the game. What we do know from various interviews with Tony himself is a few of the playable characters, playable levels and music available in the game and you’ll be glad to hear that along with a host of new characters and songs Robomodo have included plenty of classic names that players of the originals will remember.

Along with Tony himself other playable characters include Tony’s son Riley Hawk, Chris Cole, Nyjah Huston, Lyn-Z, Rodney Mullen, Andrew Reynolds and Adams Hawkins. Tony also mentioned the possibility of unlockable characters of which I’m hoping Officer Dick, Ollie the magic bum and Spider-man all make an appearance.

Project CARS Hands On Preview

Project CARS Hands On Preview

Project CARS is shaping up to be quite an impressive piece of work, both with the actual game, and the development process which uses the World of Mass Development (WMD) platform. In short, this is what has the potential to be one of the best racing games ever tied with one of the most innovative development methods there is.

Resonance Preview

Resonance Preview

Since a quiet initial announcement back in 2008, XII Games have spent the past four years busily working away on Resonance, a thrilling point and click adventure. As its final release looms ever closer, I’ve been lucky enough to take a sneaky peek at what is to come, and you’re lucky enough to read about it.

Final Fantasy XIII-2 Preview – Delving Into Development

Final Fantasy XIII-2 Preview – Delving Into Development

Final Fantasy XIII split fans and critics down the middle, while many loved the change in direction for the series some hated it just as much. Reviewers were scoring the game at around 8 or 9 out of 10, praising the combat system and the production of the game while fans were upset by the lack of freedom and the slog to get through the first third of the game. Die hard fans of Final Fantasy will never like change, and yes from the days of FFVII -IX which was a personal favourite time for me, the game has changed and advanced a lot, but it wouldn’t it be somewhat foolish for a company to bring out thirteen or so games that were near exactly the same.

As a long term fan of the Final Fantasy games I can see just how much they have changed over the years bringing in all kinds of new aspects and abilities for each new game and revisiting and improving the parts we know and love. Square Enix has promised that Final Fantasy XIII-2 will be an huge improvement on its predecessor and it’s clear to see that they are determined to make some major developments, so much so that it has all become a little overwhelming. But just what have they changed for the new game and will it be for the better? Decide for yourselves after reading my hands on impressions from the demo and all the inside facts.

RAGE Hands On Preview

RAGE Hands On Preview

At the Eurogamer Expo, Chris got some hands on time with Rage, after completing some of the first few missions he has gathered some thoughts together. Read them below. Beware of early game spoilers.

Counter-Strike: Global Offensive Hands On Preview

Counter-Strike: Global Offensive Hands On Preview

“We think Counter-Strike: Global-Offensive is the best version of Counter-Strike”. That is the bold statement from Valve’s Chet Faliszek about the upcoming shooter which is following twelve years of history. The Counter-Strike franchise is amongst the most played series of games on the PC, Counter-Strike 1.6 and its successor, Source both regularly find themselves at the very top of the Steam stats page.

Assassin’s Creed Revelations Multiplayer Impressions

Assassin’s Creed Revelations Multiplayer Impressions

Ever since I played a bit of Assassin’s Creed II I have loved the series, to be more exact, I have loved the singleplayer side of things. I may have played the online component of Brotherhood for about half an hour on the PC, but that was about it. Recently though, I have had the pleasure of taking part in the multiplayer beta on the PS3 for Revelations. Read on for my impressions.