Divinity: Original Sin Coming June – New Trailer

Divinity: Original Sin Coming June – New Trailer

I might have talked about Divinity: Original Sin very briefly earlier this month but some big news has emerged along with a new trailer that I can’t resist sharing with you all. Well, I know that if I don’t share it I’m just going to want to play the game now, even though I have promised myself to stay strong and wait until it is released before playing again.

Impressions – Supreme League of Patriots

Impressions – Supreme League of Patriots

Creating satire always involves walking the fine line between being funny and just being annoying, whilst not being pointlessly offensive. Supreme League of Patriots, an upcoming episodic point and click adventure from indie studio No Bull Intentions, might be able to manage that responsibility and walk the line. Might.

Diablo III: Reaper of Souls – The Verdict

Diablo III: Reaper of Souls – The Verdict

Diablo III was a game which I fell in love with in the beginning, I blasted through in decent fashion until I reached the gates of the High Heaven’s in Chapter IV and then I just kind of stopped playing. It was the promise of the Reaper of Souls expansion, the major patch which introduced loot 2.0 and the need to play something other than Football Manager that got me playing the game again. And so, after defeating the all-evil Diablo and starting out again in Act I with my Demon Hunter, I waited for Reaper of Souls to land. Once it arrived, I got on with the job of completing Act V and exploring the new location of Westmarch.

I Have Seen The Infinite

I Have Seen The Infinite

The crew of the Adventure Time have a bit of a problem.

Their mission was fairly straightforward – land on an unexplored alien world, find a missing unmanned probe and bring it back to its rightful owners for a large wad of space-cash. What could possibly go wrong?

Dragons and Titans: The Verdict

Dragons and Titans: The Verdict

I’ve been playing the new MOBA ‘Dragons and Titans‘ by PlanOfAttack, and here’s what I think.

It’s not as good as DOTA.

Now that’s out the way we can look at the title in more detail. You play a dragon rider of sorts who’s tasked with protecting a village from various types of attack.

Our Week in Games – Week 78

Our Week in Games – Week 78

I was saved from scrambling to come up with an introduction with the announcement of Civilization: Beyond Earth which is coming this ‘Fall’ according to the American terminology. The spiritual successor to Alpha Centauri, perhaps the most highly praised 4X game is sure to attract a lot of attention before release, and fortunately PC Gamer have a massive interview with the team covering factions, the planet and more. Well worth a read while the first trailer can be found after the break along with our team’s contributions for Our Week in Games.