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Our Week in Games – Week 44

Our Week in Games – Week 44

As this post goes live, myself and Nick will probably be wandering the NEC in Birmingham at the Rezzed PC and indie game show. I’d hope that by now we would have seen loads of lovely indie games and maybe even squeezed in a talk as well. While we are busy up in Birmingham, what does everyone make of Microsoft’s decision to turn back on all of their DRM policies? Personally, I think it might be a case of short-term gain for long-term loss, though surely the tech they have won’t just disappear. I can see some of the disregarded features come back online within a year or two of launch. Anyway, on with Our Week in Games.

Our Week in Games – Week 43 E3 Special

Our Week in Games – Week 43 E3 Special

The brave men and women who attended E3 are probably still lying in bed a quivering mess, struggling to comprehend the horrors of the show floor. Either that or they are planning when to lunge next at a gaming show. I’ll be testing out the lunge room at Rezzed next Sunday with Nick (come say hi!) and I might just report back on my findings. Though maybe not through video. Anyway, this is Our Week in Games, but with an E3 twist. What have we made of E3…read on.

Our Week In Games – Week 42

Our Week In Games – Week 42

It’s another one of those ‘busy weekends’ for the denizens of Reticule Towers, which generally seem to involve a lot of wrestling and potentially even more alcohol. As a result, you’re stuck with just little old me for this week’s Our Week In Games, but nevertheless, feel free to put your feet up and grab yourself a cup of tea as I tell the tale of one of the last men to walk the earth.

Gunpoint – Our Thoughts

Gunpoint – Our Thoughts

What happens when a writer for the UK’s biggest PC gaming magazines decides he is going to make a game? You end up playing something known as Gunpoint, described by creator Tom Francis as being as “2D stealth game about rewiring things and punching people.” Steven will be delivering his Verdict very soon, but for now, hit the jump to read Our Thoughts.

Our Week in Games – Week 41

Our Week in Games – Week 41

I wish the British weather would make up its mind, are we going to have a real summer or not? I certainly hope we do, nothing worse than a summer full of rain. But now we are in June, I am starting to eagerly anticipate the Rezzed expo at the NEC later this month. There are going to be a number of brilliant looking indie games on show, and it provides a refreshing take on games events after the madness of E3 which kicks off in a week. While we wait for that, lets get on with Our Week in Games.

Our Week in Games – Week 40

Our Week in Games – Week 40

With the big announcement of the Xbox One this past week from Microsoft, we decided to share some of our thoughts on how the reveal went and initial thoughts on the console. I’m sure that in the lead up now to E3, both Microsoft and Sony will be prepping their big guns to truly show off something really exciting at the big event. What about Nintendo though, will they do something to re-invigorate the Wii U?

Big questions and it will definitely be an interesting few weeks and months ahead. For now though, Our Week in Games.

Our Week in Games – Week 39

Our Week in Games – Week 39

Apologies for the absence of Our Week in Games last week, this was due to some back-end work being carried out by our web designer in the process of sorting out the hack I spoke about the other week. We have seen some big announcements this past week, Gran Turismo 6 and Metal Gear coming to the PC amongst them. Something is happening this week with the Xbox, there haven’t been any rumours whatsoever and no hints so I can’t…

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Why We’re Quiet

Why We’re Quiet

Apologies for the lack of content this week lovely readers. We are currently in the process of attempting to isolate some malicious code which has been inserted onto the site through nefarious means. In conjunction with our hosts and web developer we hope to have solved the issue by the end of the weekend so we can return to our regularly scheduled programming.

You can look forward to words on Mars: War Logs and Shootmania and possibly some more videos on our YouTube channel. Thank you for your patience.

Our Week in Games – Week 38

Our Week in Games – Week 38

I’ve been doing some behind the scenes work over the past couple of days, and it struck me that The Reticule has been around in some form for four and half years. You can find a heap of very old stuff here. Don’t get too bogged down in the site layout, it is simply one of the early prototypes we used, but you might find some nuggets of interesting pieces in there. I would also like to thank everyone who…

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Our Week in Games – Week 37

Our Week in Games – Week 37

The next Xbox is going to be revealed in May with a reported cost of $500. Is anyone actually interested apart from finding out whether the rumours of requiring a constant ‘net connection or not allowing second games are true or not? At the moment I’m still more inclined to get a Wii U for some brilliant Nintendo games.

What do you guys think about the PlayStation 4 and the next Xbox, let us know in the comments. Meanwhile, hit the jump for the latest Our Week in Games.