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Tag: verdict

Remember Me – The Verdict

Remember Me – The Verdict

How many times have you wished you could go back and change something in your life? Taken a different path or simply said something differently? No matter how hard one tries, life will always be full of some sort of regret. Too many variables make it impossible to get things right every time. Remember Me is a game entirely about how small changes can make the world of difference, set in a futuristic vision of Paris where the manipulation of memories are possible, both for good and nefarious reasons.

Call of Juarez: Gunslinger – The Verdict

Call of Juarez: Gunslinger – The Verdict

The Wild West, boy howdy I would’ve only lasted a few days there before falling off my horse or falling victim to a band of outlaws. Fortunately, I don’t need to invent a time-machine in order to experience this key time in American history, I can just boot up Call of Juarez: Gunslinger and have the time of my life.

Mars: War Logs – The Verdict

Mars: War Logs – The Verdict

I love the lesser lights of the RPG genre as much as I enjoy the blockbuster titles. I adored Skyrim, while I also found plenty of joy in Kingdoms of Amalur. So when I heard about Mars: War Logs, a title from the people behind that Game of Thrones game I was without a doubt keen to see what it was all about. I’ve already given some thoughts on the first chapter, but hit the break and you can read the Verdict.

Don’t Starve – The Verdict

Don’t Starve – The Verdict

This isn’t Minecraft or Terraria, but it follows in a similar vein with no real hints or tips and an entire sense of ‘how the hell do I survive in this game?’. I’m really enjoying this game, and while I might not have fallen in love with it like I have with other indie games over the past few years, I do seem to keep going back for just one more go.

StarCraft II: Heart of the Swarm – The Verdict

StarCraft II: Heart of the Swarm – The Verdict

The legacy of the StarCraft games has grown and grown over the years, largely thanks to the awesome e-sports competitions it helped start in South Korea. With Wings of Liberty the game was brought into the modern age with a singleplayer campaign solely focused on the Terrans. With Heart of the Swarm, the Zerg are back.

Dishonored: The Knife of Dunwall – The Verdict

Dishonored: The Knife of Dunwall – The Verdict

The question that I am left wondering after completing The Knife of Dunwall, the first story based DLC for Dishonored is as follows. Is it worth you spending £7.99 to go back to the city of Dunwall for three missions. I’ll try my best to answer that question in this Verdict. Don’t even think about reading this unless you have finished Dishonored.

Tiger Woods PGA Tour 14 – The Verdict

Tiger Woods PGA Tour 14 – The Verdict

It is Masters weekend in Augusta and I am well and truly in the mood for golf. To celebrate, I’ve been trying to get to grips with the latest Tiger Woods title which features a revamped career mode and the chance to wind back the clock and play against some legends of the game. Step through the jump to check out my Verdict.

BioShock Infinite – The Verdict

BioShock Infinite – The Verdict

When I started playing BioShock Infinite I was quietly impressed with the opening hours, things slowly started to draw me in, but I wasn’t blown away. A lot of questions about Columbia and why Booker was there were raised in the opening sequences and I was intrigued, but certainly not enjoying it as much as I thought. Then I met the crown jewel of the game, Elizabeth. Upon my first glimpse of Elizabeth I knew that things were going to get good, and when you finally meet her, things take off with quite a bang. If it wasn’t for Elizabeth, this would still be bloody good game, but her addition tips this into a genuine Game of the Year contender.

Tomb Raider – The Verdict

Tomb Raider – The Verdict

A Pacific island with history from World War Two and ancient cultures. Old tombs and ruins to explore. Skills and weapon upgrading system. Wild animals to hunt. Fast travel between camps. Am I talking about Far Cry 3? No, this is the new Tomb Raider which while it might share a few ideas with Far Cry stands on its own two feet and heralds a new beginning for Lara.

Skyrim: Dragonborn – The Verdict

Skyrim: Dragonborn – The Verdict

There are few problems in life that cannot be solved by a great deal of running away. It’s a lesson I learnt long ago playing Oblivion – whilst many of my friends battled their way through hell’s minions, I’d sprint through the daedric realm at a dead run, dash up the demonic towers and grab the crystal in some bizarre tribute to memories of watching the Crystal Maze as a child. It’s apparently applicable to most demonic realms, as Dragonborn was…

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